Tag Archives: Dark Ages

May Workbench Roundup

With no looming GM deadline until July, I decided to work on whatever struck my fancy this month. Here’s my scatterbrained results.


A Warlord Panhard 178 to replace my existing one from Army Group North. The AGN one has an integrated base that I was never quite pleased with.


A Jump Off Point, Force Morale Trackers and Patrol Markers for my Early War French.


Some plastic canoes from a child’s play set for my FIW Sharp Practice games at Historicon.


An Abomination from the old Carnevale line.


A scratch-built Woodland Indian smoking rack, again for my Historicon games.


Generic hedge gate from Warbases.


I think the small dinosaur is either from Iron Wind or Reaper and the Owlbear is from Otherworld.


Late war German Panzerschreck team from Warlord.


Some late war German NCOs from Victory Force and Warlord.


An early war MG34 team from Warlord.


Medusa from Otherworld, a Celtic Druid from Gorgon Studios and a zombie-thingy from maybe Reaper(?).


Artizan pulp Russians.


A murder of crows from Reaper – my first piece for Legends of the High Seas.

28mm Conquest Norman Infantry

These have been sitting on the worktable for quite some time, and frankly were getting in the way, so I finished them up as quickly as I could. Same old same old – Vallejo acrylics and some shield transfers from Conquest/Flags of War.

Historicon Purchases

I had a fairly successful day selling at the Flea Market on Thursday, so I rolled my loot into some new hardware.