Fool’s Gold – Iron Painter Round 1 Entry

Annually Wyrd Miniatures hosts Iron Painter – a competition that pairs painters up head to head in a single elimination tournament. Entries are paired up randomly, a theme is chosen and the contestants have two weeks to post an image of their work. These are then scored by three judges using three categories; theme, technical skill, and aesthetic. Whomever scores highest in the pairing moves on to the next round, and the process starts again and continues until there is only one painter left standing.

I have entered twice in the past. Once I received a DNF (did not finish), and once I was eliminated in the first round for scoring poorly in the theme category. This year I decided to throw my hat in the ring again and, just in time, was able to finish my entry for Round 1. The theme was “Fool’s Gold” so I took the literal route and painted up a jester from Guild of Harmony. He’s mounted on a tiered cobblestone base insert, overlooking a treasure pile made with rhinestones and glitter that my wife grabbed at the craft store. The other entries can be seen in the Round 1 Gallery, and there’s some amazing creativity, brush work, sculpting and scratch building to be seen.

Fool's Gold

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